Equipping Hour: Hospitality Part 3

Introduction and Recap Today’s lesson is entitled “Hunting Hospitality.” It is the practical advice. If you’ve been here and you’re wondering, “When’s he going to talk about hospitality?”—because I haven’t talked...

Equipping Hour: Hospitality Part 2

Opening Prayer and Introduction God thank you for the clarity of your word. Thank you that especially on a practical topic that should affect all of us, like hospitality, your word has so much to say. God, you know I have more to say this morning than I have time to...

Equipping Hour: Hospitality Part 1

Introduction: Hospitality Series We have about twenty-some people over in the baptism class, so we’re going to be a little bit light this morning. Does that look like it’s everyone out there? All right, well, welcome to equipping hour. For the women who...