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Equipping Hour

Equipping Hour: The Christian and Reading (part 2)

Jacob Hantla November 12, 2023

Introduction & Review of Part 1

Welcome to part two of “The Christian and Reading.” Last time, we talked about why Christians should read, and the importance of being purposeful in our reading—choosing the right books, reading them with a plan, etc. Today, I want to continue that discussion with a few more pastoral exhortations about how we read in a God-honoring way.

#2: Be Humble

After “Be Purposeful,” the second encouragement is be humble. Reading itself is an act of humility. You’re admitting, “There are things I don’t know; I need someone else to teach me.” Even if you’re reading in an area where you already know a lot, humility is essential. We can easily become proud—knowledge can “puff us up” (1 Corinthians 8:1). But it should instead move us to love, holiness, and worship.

One of the main purposes of acquiring knowledge (including reading) is so we can love others more effectively and live more godly lives. Paul told Timothy that the aim of our instruction is love from a pure heart (1 Timothy 1:5). If new knowledge doesn’t lead to deeper worship of God and sacrificial love toward others, we’ve misused it. So read with humility, always asking God to give you true understanding that transforms your own heart first.

1 Thessalonians 4:5 contrasts believers, who know God, with unbelievers, who don’t. Merely gathering information about God isn’t enough; we must relate to Him rightly. James 1:22 warns against being hearers only. So pray as you read—pray that God would give you humble hearts ready to learn, correct sin, and grow in love.

In 1 Corinthians 1:20–2:5, we see God’s wisdom is often “foolishness” to the world. We can have loads of worldly knowledge yet miss the gospel. Humility says, “God, open my eyes. Let me not rely on my intellect alone but on Your grace.” Remember, the Holy Spirit is crucial for true understanding. And as you read, keep your heart worshipful, aiming for loving, godly action.

#3: Be Consistent

Mark Twain quipped, “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” You don’t need to read huge amounts instantly—just start small and be consistent. Even 15 minutes a day builds up over time. John Piper often points out that at 200 words per minute, 15 minutes a day can mean 10 substantial books in a year—just from those few minutes daily.

The key is to make reading a regular habit:

  • Set a realistic reading plan. E.g., our Book of the Month includes page goals so you can finish in one month.
  • Identify the best times of day for you—morning, bedtime, short gaps between tasks, during commutes with audiobooks, etc.
  • Keep your reading material handy (books, e-readers, etc.) so you can read in spare moments.
  • Establish consistency and let it compound year after year.

As you settle into a reading routine, you’ll likely find more joy and ease in it—much like exercise. Consistency is worth far more than sporadic bursts of reading.

#4: Be Active

Don’t read passively. Engage with the text. True understanding requires more than just letting your eyes glide across words:

  • Ask questions. “What is the author’s main point? How does this paragraph relate to the previous one? Do I agree or disagree? Why?”
  • Take notes. Underline, highlight, scribble in margins, or keep a notebook. Make the book your own. Summarize chapters in your own words, note where you’re confused or want to explore more.
  • Identify arguments. Many authors develop a line of reasoning—Point A, then B, then C, leading to Conclusion X. Follow that logic carefully, and see if it’s sound.
  • Reflect at the end. When you finish a chapter or the entire book, take a few minutes to articulate what it said, whether it’s true, and how it must affect you.

Mortimer Adler in How to Read a Book calls this “active reading.” Treat it like a conversation with the author. Listen carefully, question respectfully, and decide what you can embrace or must reject. This deeper engagement ensures you truly learn, rather than just collecting facts.

#5: Be Discerning

1 Thessalonians 5:21 says, “Test everything; hold fast what is good.” Not every book is trustworthy. Some books are positively harmful, twisting truth and distorting Scripture. Many churches and believers have fallen into theological error through unbiblical teaching in books or seminaries. So be cautious:

  • Vet authors. Look at their worldview, theological stance, and life (Heb. 13:7).
  • Keep your Bible and biblical convictions close at hand to filter new ideas.
  • Don’t become a “witch hunter,” reading only to find faults or heresies. Focus on saturating yourself with the truth, so you more readily spot counterfeits.

We need to read some non-Christian works or opposing viewpoints sometimes, but do so with eyes open. Recognize where an author dismisses or contradicts God’s truth, and guard your heart. Don’t forget: truly wise reading depends on Spirit-driven discernment.

Final Encouragements: Be Applicative & Be Delighted

Be Applicative: Don’t just gather knowledge for its own sake. Ask, “How must this affect me?” Whether it’s the Bible or any other reading, the goal is change—worship, obedience, renewed thinking, increased love.

Be Delighted: Reading is a privilege and joy. God gave you a mind capable of reasoning and absorbing knowledge. He put His truths in written form. Approach reading—not just Scripture, but excellent Christian books (and even well-chosen secular works)—as a gift to be enjoyed. Hard reading can be deeply satisfying, like finishing a difficult project that you know is worth the effort.

This concludes our look at “The Christian and Reading.” Let’s pray we’d be humble, consistent, active, discerning, and joyful in our reading, using it to shape us into more worshipful, loving disciples of Christ.

Prayer & Dismissal

Father, thank You for creating us with minds that can read. Thank You for giving us Your truth in Scripture and for faithful authors who help us understand it. Let us be humble, seeking not just knowledge but godliness and love. Bless our fellowship and bring us together in worship as we study Your Word this morning. In Jesus’ name, amen.