Equipping Hour
Equipping Hour: Biblical Theology of Sleep, Part 4
Introduction & Prayer
Let me start praying, and then we’ll jump on in.
Prayer: God, thank you for your word, for how you provide truth for us. You give us perspective on things big and small. It’s so sweet to spend time considering that which we do every day—every night—sleep, from your perspective, putting it in perspective and learning about you and your purposes as we consider sleep. I pray for myself that I would speak clearly. I pray that I would represent your word accurately. For all who are here or who may listen later, I pray they would benefit from this time, and most of all that you would be glorified. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Review of Previous Sessions
Over the last three weeks—these three sessions—we have laid out the myriad benefits God designed for us in sleep. Today’s lesson on the biblical theology of sleep has to build on that foundation. If this is your first time hearing this, enjoy it, but please go back and listen to the previous three, because what we’ll be sharing today is built on that foundation.
Quick review:
- First: Sleep is a nightly humbling reminder that God is God, and we are creatures. We need this reminder. We can’t contemplate God too much, and we always must live with awareness of His otherness, His holiness. Sleep, when approached with a mind informed by God’s word, helps us remember and worship God, especially His incommunicable attributes.
- Second: Sleep is a nightly demonstration of our need and God’s incomparable faithfulness and strength. God created us to need sleep; He doesn’t need it. The world keeps running while we rest, but it wouldn’t if He slept. Psalm 121:3 declares, “He who keeps you will not slumber.”
- Third: Sleep is a nightly opportunity to humbly and dependently trust God. In several psalms, David demonstrates how sleep can be an expression of humble trust in God—like Psalm 3, where he lies down and sleeps even when hunted by Absalom. Anxiety often robs us of sleep, but humble dependence on God cannot coexist with anxiety. Each night, we can express that humble dependency when we cast our cares on Him and trust Him while we sleep.
- Fourth: Sleep is a gift from God by which He works for His beloved while we rest (Psalm 127). It’s designed to point us away from self-dependence and toward faith in Him. For those who are beloved by God, Psalm 3:24 can be paraphrased: “When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.”
So, sleep is good. We need it and shouldn’t cut it short. We physically function better when we get full sleep, and if we keep chronically depriving ourselves, it shortens our lifespan, increases disease risk, and makes us less effective during the day.
Addressing Anxiety & Sleeplessness
Often, in our 24-hour world, we’re tempted to stay up late or get up early in anxious toil. Do you ever find yourself lying awake thinking about problems only God can solve? Anxiety is that futile worry or concern that ultimately expresses distrust in God’s plan. The world might say anxiety is a medical issue, but at its core, it’s a lack of trust in God’s goodness or power. Sleep, on the other hand, expresses dependence on His power and goodness. So, the anxious person finds it hard to sleep; the trusting one more easily experiences rest.
But it’s just as true that not all sleeplessness stems from sin in the heart. We have normal human realities: pregnancy, parenthood, pain, crying babies, cold, loud neighbors, illness, medications, night shifts—countless things can keep us awake, not because we’re anxious. This series has gotten the most requests about that topic: “I do want sleep, but I still can’t get it!”
The Bible shows that after the Fall, creation groans. Before the Fall, there was sleep but no miserable sleeplessness. One day, in the new heavens and earth, we may still have sleep but not the misery of sleeplessness. In the meantime, whether we sleep or lie awake pleading with the Lord, we must hope in the One who loves us and gave Himself for us. Our loving Father knows what we need. Romans 8:32 says, “He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also graciously give us all things?” That doesn’t mean He’ll always give us everything we want, but in perfect love and wisdom, He gives us everything we truly need.
When sleepless nights come, we must recall that God proved His love decisively at the cross. He withholds no truly good thing from His children. Even withheld sleep can be a loving purpose in sanctifying us. Romans 8:18–38 is a central text for this confidence.
Sleeplessness for the Christian
For the Christian, lack of rest does not signal God’s absence. In Romans 8, we see that these sufferings are momentary, and God uses them all for our good. We don’t know every detail of His plan, but we know He does sanctify us through trials. So, we can “count it all joy,” as James 1:2–4 says, because if God withholds sleep, He may be giving us something even better: deeper holiness and spiritual growth.
Sometimes new moms are told, “Hang in there, it’ll end soon!” That’s not our ultimate hope. If it does end soon, great. But some people endure years of insomnia. Our real hope is that God is accomplishing a glorious eternal purpose that dwarfs the shortness of this life.
When Sleeplessness Reveals Sin
Trials, including sleeplessness, test our faith and reveal sin. When we haven’t slept, we can be more prone to anger or anxiety. That’s not an excuse to sin; it’s an opportunity to see what’s in our hearts. Confess it immediately and rely on His grace. Or, if we respond graciously despite the exhaustion, that’s evidence of God’s power at work in us—we can worship Him for that.
Acutely, we know that a night of short sleep can impair reflexes like being legally intoxicated. Studies show that lack of deep, restorative sleep can disconnect our amygdala (emotional response center) from the prefrontal cortex (executive, rational thinking). This means that the sin in our hearts might more readily spill out. So, sleeplessness can reveal or intensify what’s already inside.
Therefore, watch your heart. Be on guard against anxiety, anger, or lack of self-control, especially if you’re dealing with a challenging season of insomnia. Confess quickly, repent, and rely on the Holy Spirit. As James 5:16 reminds us, “Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” That’s especially crucial in weary seasons.
Sleeplessness as an Opportunity
Even though sleeplessness is exhausting and physically detrimental, for the Christian, it’s still an occasion to see God’s provision. When we can’t sleep, we become more aware of our limitations and neediness, thus more aware of how we must depend on Him. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that Jesus told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” That remains true whether we have a perfect night’s sleep or not.
So, don’t use a lack of sleep as an excuse for sin, but see it as an opportunity for growth. Let it drive you to Christ. At the same time, do what you can to cultivate healthy sleep rhythms so that you’re not unnecessarily undermining your own resilience. As John Piper says, adequate sleep is not just about health but about continuing faithfully in ministry and life. It’s wise to steward your body well.
Practical Tips (Brief Overview)
We could spend an entire lesson on practical sleep hygiene, but here’s a short overview:
- Pray for sleep. Don’t skip asking God to provide rest, and be thankful for whatever rest He gives.
- Establish a calming bedtime routine. Gradually dim lights an hour or two before you plan to sleep. Avoid intense stimulation (screens, bright lights, or stressful tasks) just before bedtime.
- Watch caffeine intake. Caffeine’s half-life can last 6–8 hours in some people, so cutting it off by midday can help.
- Mind your bedroom temperature. Cooler environments and, if possible, methods like a cool shower before bed help lower core temperature, promoting deep sleep.
- Don’t just lie there awake. If you can’t sleep, get up, move to another room under dim light, and do a calm activity (like folding laundry or reading Scripture) until you feel drowsy again. Avoid associating your bed with frustration or anxiety.
- Avoid big meals late at night. Digestion and higher heart rates can disrupt restful sleep.
Overall, be mindful of how daily habits—late-night snacking, bright screens, random bedtimes—affect your sleep. Even 15–30 minutes of consistent wind-down routines can make a difference.
Biblical Meditation Instead of Undirected Worry
When you can’t sleep, you can either let your mind wander anxiously or direct it toward worshipful meditation. Scripture repeatedly exhorts us to meditate on God and His Word in the watches of the night (Psalm 63:6, 77:6, 119:55). Direct your heart to the Lord. If you’re lying awake, pray and savor verses that remind you of His faithfulness. Don’t drift into social media browsing that only stimulates your mind and can lead to further insomnia and possible anxiety.
Psalm 63 says, “My soul will be satisfied… when I remember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the watches of the night.” If you must forego sleep, do so for spiritually wise reasons—like times of prayer or urgent service—rather than meaningless, anxious activities.
Staying Awake vs. Oversleeping
We’ve noted that sometimes Scripture describes “staying awake” as a metaphor for spiritual alertness. Jesus chided the disciples who slept instead of praying with Him in Gethsemane. There’s a time to be physically awake to seek God. On the other hand, we also saw that sleeping when you should be awake can be laziness. So, we must aim for a balanced, God-honoring approach, not letting entertainment or neglect keep us up. Sleep is good, but so is serving God when we must be awake. Listen to your situation, your body, and Scripture’s wisdom.
Sleep as a Picture of Death and Resurrection
The New Testament often calls a believer’s death “sleep.” Each night, we relinquish conscious control of our bodies and trust God to wake us in the morning. When a Christian dies, it’s much the same: we trust God, knowing we’ll ultimately “wake” in the resurrection, raised imperishable (1 Corinthians 15). This nightly “sleep” is a parable—reminding us that death is not final; we’ll awaken to new life forever with Christ. Each time we rest, we have a small reminder of the greater reality of our future resurrection.
So, we’ve learned that:
- Sleep is a nightly reminder that God is God and we are not.
- It demonstrates our neediness and His faithfulness.
- It offers humble trust in Him.
- It’s a gift from God, showing that He works while we rest.
- Both sleep and sleeplessness are opportunities to assess and direct our hearts toward Him.
- Finally, sleep each night pictures death and the coming resurrection. The New Testament calls death “sleep,” and we entrust ourselves to God to raise us up forever.
May we not miss these parables and these reminders every single night that we lie down to rest. Amen.