Proverbs 4:23 teaches us that the “springs of life” flow out of the human heart. Our thoughts, desires, and even the motivations deep inside us determine the direction of our life’s various springs. For this reason, the members of the church plant must maintain right...
Recently, I have been reading Jehovah Jireh: A Treatise on Providence by William S. Plumer. In chapter 8 where Plumer tackles God’s providence over Judas Iscariot, a lengthy portion details and diagnoses religious hypocrisy. I have found myself referencing, reading,...
It seems that Dr. James Hal Cone (1938-2018), founder of Black Liberation Theology*, is being universally championed by those who both claim Christ and embrace the woke movement. One author, speaking favorably of Cone, recently stated, “No analysis of Black ecclesial...
Dear Family and Friends, First of all, Julie and I want to express a resounding “THANK YOU!” for the care you all have shown to us. We have received countless cards, emails, texts, messages, gifts, and other acts of kindness. We have received numerous gifts...
Dear family, friends, and many we have never even met, We want to express our thanks to you all for the overwhelming love and care we have experienced these last few days. Thank you for praying. Thank you for encouraging us with Scripture. Thank you for your practical...
W. S. Plumer’s commentary on the Psalms has been a tremendous blessing to me in preparing to read Scripture each week during our Sunday morning gatherings. In each psalm, his verse by verse exposition is followed by several “Doctrinal and Practical Remarks” that are...
As I read the commentary of Christian brothers near and far away, I cannot help but notice the striking absence of Scripture from so much of what is said. More specifically, what I’m observing is Christians speaking about police brutality, racism, and systemic...
Over the last several years, as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the woke church movement have grown, “justice” has become a popular buzzword. “No justice, no peace!” shout BLM protestors. “God loves justice, so we have to be about justice,” say woke church proponents....
Since 2014, when Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, was justifiably killed by white police officer Darren Wilson, the Black Lives Matter organization has been growing in popularity, power, and influence. Many wise, Christian men have boldly issued a clear warning to...
I am so excited that you are about to gather as a church body tomorrow after all these weeks apart. We have truly been blessed and grown through this time, but there is no replacement for being together. The church is meant to gather, to assemble whenever possible. I...
To serve the parents of GBC, Josh Kellso is recording various Bible stories into a “Story Time with Josh” series. You can watch the latest episode by clicking below. This series is for the children of GBC to remain connected to their Pastors. Also, the intention is...
To serve the parents of GBC, Josh Kellso is recording various Bible stories into a “Story Time with Josh” series. You can watch the latest episode by clicking below. This series is for the children of GBC to remain connected to their Pastors. Also, the intention is...
To serve the parents of GBC, Josh Kellso is recording various Bible stories into a “Story Time” series. This series is for the children of GBC to remain connected to their Pastors. Also, the intention is that this will serve the parents of GBC by giving their children...
In this season of social distancing it is as important as ever that feed our souls with consistent fellowship with others in our church. If you are a member or regular attender at Grace Bible Church and are not currently attending one of our smallgroups, please view...
Love. Compassion. Charity. Patience. Caution. Prayer. Generosity. All these responses are appropriate for Christians and have been evident within our church family over the past few weeks since the emergence of the Coronavirus threat in the United States. Grace Bible...
I love that our church is weekly reading through the Psalms. So often, a psalm that has been recently read in our corporate gathering is exactly what I need for shepherding my own heart and others. This week, I have been encouraged by Psalm 46, which we just read this...
What have your prayers looked like this last week? Your life has likely been drastically affected by the new SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 that it causes. There is rarely a minute in my day where I am not thinking about it. My son’s life (and my own) are...
Beloved, The Elders urge you to please read this email in its entirety. It contains important information about some changes at GBC related to the COVID-19 outbreak. As we saw last Sunday from Hebrews 10:19-25, the appropriate and commanded response to a right...
We were pulling into Washington as the news of the first COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) deaths in the US hit the news. They occurred just a few miles north of the hotel, where we plan to live for the next few months as our son undergoes a bone marrow transplant at...
Our Smallgroup has been studying the “one another” commands of the New Testament. We recently discussed First Thessalonians 5:13, “Live in peace with one another.” Since Christ’s death reconciled us with God and other Christians, maintaining peaceful, loving...
My family’s daily devotionals during the month of December have perhaps become our spiritual highlight of the year. Christmastime with the ubiquitous music, decorations, and busyness can either serve as a distraction from the Lord or as a break from the norms of...
Last week’s blog post highlighted what Omri Miles & Josh Kellso are going through with our young adults in 414, Preparing to Receive Correction. This post is the followup to that one. Receiving correction in the moment is oftentimes very difficult. We don’t...
Josh Kellso and Omri Miles are leading the singles and young adults in our new ministry, 414. I wanted to give the whole church a glimpse at what they are up to and also allow us all to be shepherded with the excellent content they are writing and teaching. This the...
The elders invite the church body to join together this week for two special services celebrating the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus: Good Friday & Easter. Please do make the effort to prioritize these services as a family. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Friday,...
SUNDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE READING: MALACHI THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE BOOK Author: the prophet Malachi (1:1) Date: Approximately 435 B.C., making it the final Old Testament book written. Purpose: Malachi was written to call Israel and its leaders back to covenant...
SUNDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE READING: ZECHARIAH THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE BOOK – Author: the prophet Zechariah (1:1) who worked with the prophet Haggai and with Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem after the people returned from their exile (see Ezra...
SUNDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE READING: HAGGAI THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE BOOK Author: the prophet Haggai (1:1) who worked with the prophet Zechariah and with Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem after the people returned from their exile (see Ezra 2:1-2;...
SUNDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE READING: ZEPHANIAH THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE BOOK – Bears the name of its author, the prophet Zephaniah (1:1) – A prophecy delivered during Josiah’s reign (640-609 B.C.), most likely before King Josiah began leading the nation of...
SUNDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE READING: HABAKKUK THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE BOOK Bears the name of its author, the prophet Habakkuk (1:1) Most likely written sometime after the fall of Nineveh to the Chaldeans in 612 B. C. and before Judah’s exile in 605 B. C. Themes: Human...