Announcements: 07-21-24

New to Grace Bible Church? If you are newer to GBC and would like to learn more about what the church believes and practices as well as interact with the elder leadership, please email ([email protected]) or call the office 480.968.6085. Looking for a Place to Serve or...

Beware of Assumptions of Sin

Beware of Assumptions of Sin Joshua 22:10-34 Israel had just completed conquest of the land which Yahweh had promised them on the west side of the Jordan River. The two and a half tribes whom Moses had allowed to settle on the east side of the Jordan had faithfully...
NOLA Update (March 12, 2023)

NOLA Update (March 12, 2023)

On Sunday, I updated our church about the New Orleans church plant. A summary of the update is outlined below. News Completed our branding (logo, design, landing page for website – registered as a corporation with the state of Louisiana...

The Seed of the Woman: Genesis 3:15

  A while back I gave a communion meditation on Genesis 3:15 in which I had said that the seed of the woman who would be at enmity with the seed of the serpent were the descendants of Eve who would not remain in their alienation to God. While the Bible does teach...

Plumer on Psalm 63

W. S. Plumer’s commentary on the Psalms has been a tremendous blessing to me in preparing to read Scripture each week during our Sunday morning gatherings. In each psalm, his verse by verse exposition is followed by several “Doctrinal and Practical Remarks” that are...
No Wisdom, No Justice

No Wisdom, No Justice

Over the last several years, as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the woke church movement have grown, “justice” has become a popular buzzword. “No justice, no peace!” shout BLM protestors. “God loves justice, so we have to be about justice,” say woke church proponents....

GBC Story Time with Josh

To serve the parents of GBC, Josh Kellso is recording various Bible stories into a “Story Time” series. This series is for the children of GBC to remain connected to their Pastors. Also, the intention is that this will serve the parents of GBC by giving their children...

Smallgroup Appeal

In this season of social distancing it is as important as ever that feed our souls with consistent fellowship with others in our church. If you are a member or regular attender at Grace Bible Church and are not currently attending one of our smallgroups, please view...