Be Hearers AND Doers of the Word

Jacob Hantla November 11, 2024

Last night at our Student Ministries gathering, we had a fun game, a sweet time of worship through singing, and then I taught on James 1:19-25. The students are hopefully in a very regular pattern of hearing God’s Word, both in sermon form and as they read on their own and as a family each day. It is critical that we hear God’s Word. But it is vital that we don’t merely hear God’s word but that we are doers who receive God’s Word rightly. This is James’ admonition in this passage. You can listen to the message and download the discussion guide. I hope that sharing these help equip you to interact with your students over what they are learning from StudentMinistries.

The upcoming plan is that next week Student Ministries will be meeting with the rest of the church for a special evening service gathering. Then we will have at least one week of Q&A. If you or your students have any questions or think some clarification on anything covered or anything going on in life would be helpful, please email me or text me. Then, Lord willing, we will continue working through Jesus’ sermon on the mount. I’m excited and sobered by the upcoming verses; please pray for me and the leaders as we prep.

There are a number of upcoming social gatherings being organized by the discussion group leaders. These are sweet times of fun that provide the relational foundation to know, love, and care for each other. We will continue to meet together Sunday evening until Friday, December 13. On 12/13, we will be gathering at Josh Pena’s house for a Christmas celebration (details to follow), followed by a break from Sunday-evening Student Ministries gatherings until January.

Leading your students and the amazing leaders is such a privilege and joy. Thank you for trusting us with your students in this critical time in their lives. Please share with us any ways in which we can do a better job of working alongside you in the evangelism and discipleship of your students.

Your servant for His glory,

-Jacob Hantla